4 Day 5 Night Alaskan SportfishingAlaska is a world-renowned sport fishing destination. Anglers from all over the world come to Alaska seeking an unforgettable fishing experience. The overall size and scale of Alaska can be daunting for anglers due to its massive size. But amazing sport fishing opportunities can be easily found along Alaska’s road system, and several air and boat transport services operate in the state providing access to more remote locations.

Good sport fishing isn’t hard to find in Alaska. A sport angler’s greatest challenge can be deciding where to get started. From an angler’s perspective, Alaska is enormous; fishing it all would require one to cast across over a million acres of streams, lakes, and water-lapped shorelines every day for a full year. Think of it as the old anglers’ quandary – so much water, so many fish, so little time – but on a wilder, grander scale.

Choosing A Location

Many sport fish anglers choose to use Alaska’s road-system to access rivers, lakes, and coastal locations. While the road system is somewhat limited, anglers can find exceptional fisheries close to most cities and towns. The road-system also offers access to trail systems that offer anglers the opportunity to access more out-of-the-way fishing locations. Air and boat charter services operate in most towns in the state and provide access to remote fisheries. Of equal importance when determining where you plan to fish is when you plan to fish. Timing is key. This brochure provides basic run-timing information on a variety of salt and freshwater species.

Alaskan weather is anything but predictable. Long summer days warm the Interior to average temperatures in the high 60s, often climbing to the 70s, 80s, and sometimes 90s. Dress for mild summer days in the Interior but prepare for occasional dips into the 40s and 50s. For Northern and Western Alaska, dress in layers along with good outerwear.

No Experience Or Equipment Needed

Captain Brian Ringeisen, of Angler’s Adventures in Ketchikan, provides a complete, safe experience. All you need to bring is clothing that will keep you warm and dry, and the desire to enjoy fishing in the world’s most beautiful location! We will take care of the rest – we will supply you with the gear, the bait and tackle and the breathtaking location that is stocked equally with fish and future memories. There is no need for you to travel with your own equipment because we provide you with everything you will need to get the most out of your Alaska fishing excursion. We supply the fishing rods, the bait and tackle, and other equipment necessary for landing the fish of your dreams. Call us at (907) 254-0880 to schedule your next fishing charter.

— 3 Remaining Available Dates for 2025 —

June 29th - July 3rd — 3D/4N Fishing/Lodging Available

July 18th - July 22nd — 3D/4N Fishing/Lodging Available

July 29th - Aug 3rd — 4D/5N Fishing/Lodging Available

Call (907) 254-0880 to confirm available dates.

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