Whale Watching in Ketchikan, AlaskaAnglers Adventures & Outfitters provides our clients with great memories that will stay with them for a lifetime.  What draws clients to our services can range from a love of fishing to a love of nature to the need to escape from the grind of daily life, among many other reasons.  Our customers come from all over the United States and other countries, they have different belief systems, and they have different ways of interacting with the world. At a minimum, what they all have in common is that they leave their experiences with Anglers Adventures & Adventures with one common thing: new memories. There are few things that are more memorable than spotting and being close to a pod of killer whales in the waters of Ketchikan, Alaska.

Whale Watching Excursions in Ketchikan, AK

Whales are highly intelligent creatures.  They express curiosity about the strange animals looking at them from on top of the water.  As a result, they have been known to spend significant time around boats carrying humans.  Being in the presence of their size, strength, and majesty tends to humble our clients and give them a sense of awe.  The whales that share the waters off Ketchikan are truly sights to behold.  When they are active, it is often because they are there for the same reason that many of our clients are there—to fish!  Witnessing a whale on the hunt is energizing for sure, and it will certainly provide memories to last a lifetime.  But if you spot a whale that is full from a successful hunt, its behavior is likely to be more languid and graceful. Watching them as they move slowly and peacefully through the water can fill you with a similar sense of peace, relaxation, and awe of a different kind.

Alaska Wildlife Watching Adventures

There are few places in the world where you can count on experiencing such amazing sights as Ketchikan, Alaska.  Whale watching is not an experience that can be had in any other part of the world.  When you find yourself out on our boat, The Sierra Dawn, the act of looking for whales is itself a source of peace because you are doing it in what we consider to be the most beautiful place on Earth. Call Anglers Adventures & Outfitters at (907) 254-0880 to schedule your whale watching experience with us. The incredible memories you will make will last a lifetime.

— 3 Remaining Available Dates for 2025 —

June 29th - July 3rd — 3D/4N Fishing/Lodging Available

July 18th - July 22nd — 3D/4N Fishing/Lodging Available

July 29th - Aug 3rd — 4D/5N Fishing/Lodging Available

Call (907) 254-0880 to confirm available dates.

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